Secretly installed by hackers, viruses do not get control of your phone In fact encountered, See and remained safe

NEW YORK (Dailly IT News Reuters) Apple iPhone users for the alarm, hackers break the iPhone's security by hacking into her mind has found a way to install applications. When iPhone users unwittingly click on a Web link that applications are automatically downloaded and installed in the phone, and it looks and works exactly like the other applications that are. Users do not have any doubt that this application is whether the purpose of spying on their phone in helping hackers. Here we show for the convenience of users on iPhone applications that Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp or other apps are displayed in the form and function exactly like they are actually harming the already existing iPhone is the software.

Fire was discovered that hackers cleverly Global (FireEye global) leader Simon Mills said in an interview. In his interview for hackers to attack, mask attack, '' named. The mask attack in recent cases hackers hijacking the URL scheme (URL Scheme Hijacking) techniques used.are doing this through and see everything while they're monitoring the user that the user is doing on the application.
The one through which users can detect these fake applications. When they click the link to any Web site to download and install the app if it is fake, but if it is already installed in some applications repeal takes its place . Users keep their existing applications, as soon understand that if any of them are missing a fake application has been installed in the phone.
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