Samsung and Google will security updates every month

Freight error stage to remove the two companies issued pages.

In recent history the brabg on Android, the stage freight (Stagefright) is called, has been discovered (details page) .The due hacker submissive run on Android 2.2 and later versions of every smart phone hack be able to. help of this error can hack each device, which number more shall know the error is removed, it pycz various phones are also being updated. The best rnspans has Google and Samsung.
Google, which is responsible android developer and updates, the Nexus 4, Nexus 5, 6 Nexus, Nexus 7, Nexus 9, Nexus 10 and Nexus stage for the player to continue freight links are started.
Samsung, which run on Android device maker's biggest company, has determined that the stage for freight and other bugs that appear to provide updates every month with.sam device over the air updates every month Login with. sam stage for releasing updates so fast, but wants to improve the process so that all types of bugs and viruses will continue to deal with timely updates.
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