13 times in 10 years, pregnant women, because of the incredible things too shocking

Beijing (Dailly IT News) newspaper of China 'pyplz daily' incredible story of a woman brought up. According to details, Aromich, representing woman named Zheng, has been told 10 years ago on charges of corruption was sentenced to life imprisonment. When she found out that her life has been revealed that she is pregnant.

According to Chinese law, pregnant women are sent to prison, but Probation (trial) is released on the Zheng could not be sent to jail. However, when Zheng was released and then it went to the doctor and reconciliation abortion. When his health improved and the risk of returning to prison once they became pregnant and applied for probation. Chinese newspaper reported the series lasted 10 years. In those years, Zheng claimed to be pregnant 14 times. The woman is 39 years old now and has finally delivered really gel.
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