Miracle Baby: Emma Murray and his son Aaron, who was born without brain
Hearing a child talk for the first time is one of the iconic moments no mother forgets.
But for Emma Murray, it was a moment he never thought would happen to her youngest son Aaron.
When the word "mother" came from his lips, it was nothing short of a miracle - because she was born with only the smallest part of the brain.
Emma, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, said: "When Aaron was born first, I was told that there was no way I could survive.
"They told me I could live for three minutes, three hours or three days.
"The doctors told me that if I had been one of his other organs had failed to grow, have been able to do something but not another brain could grow.
"But from the beginning, Aaron proved to be a real fighter.
"The other day told me 'Mom' to him. I was clapping my hands and he laughed away.
"He looked at me and said, 'Mom back I could not believe it..
"I was told my son that only live for a few minutes, but now here he was saying 'Mummy' -. Something I never thought I would hear"
Newborn: Aaron Murray's mom Ema just after birth
Just minutes after his arrival in the world, doctors said Emma Aaron had a very rare condition called holoprosencephaly health, he said left him "incompatible with life".
Born with only a brain stem and not a brain full, Emma was told to invite her to the hospital closest family to care for her newborn son before his death.
But two years later, Emma says Aaron not only alive than just say "Mom" - his first word.
It was a very emotional time for the mother of Emma moment ?? 24, while playing with the child of two years old, Aaron has surprised doctors so far with survival after he was born with most of its brain missing.
Aaron was born in March 2013 after Emma was rushed to hospital with what she thought was a burst appendix.
She recalled: "I did not know she was pregnant until she was in labor.
"With my oldest son, who had been in no doubt that she was pregnant, but Aaron, the only thing he had put on a little weight, she had no sickness or cravings and my periods had stopped.
"My mother and father rushed me to the hospital Monklands in the middle of the night, thinking I had appendicitis.
Happy family: Emma Murray and her son Aaron with his brother Jack
"But as soon as the doctors and nurses examined me, they realized that he was about to give birth."
Emma was taken by ambulance to Wishaw General Hospital where the staff quickly realized her unborn baby had a larger than most babies head.
As soon as he was born he was taken to the neonatal unit.
He recalled: "After I had given birth I was misty all medications for pain but I could still see his head was very big..
"My stomach knotted with anxiety, but all I could do was relax and wait for some answers."
It was then a CT scan revealed Aaron's brain had not formed properly. Only a stem and Emma had told the hospital could only give "palliative care".
Had holoprosencephaly, a congenital defect that affects the brain that occurs in approximately two out of every 10,000 births.
The condition can be mild or severe and in most cases, babies are affected by the condition die before birth.
Emma said: "I was absolutely distraught was connected to each machine and had a hat on his head, so we could not see the size of it..
"I sat on her bed rubbing her small hand. I was in total shock.
"Everything happened so fast - I did not even know she was pregnant, had given birth to him and told that my baby would die all in the same 24 hours."
Scan: Aaron Murray scan shows he has a brain stem but without brain
Hospital staff helped organize a baptism Emma Aaron, but within hours of her condition began to improve and realized I could breathe without help.
Emma said: "During the first days of life of Aaron, it felt like everyone was waiting for something bad to happen, but Aaron had other ideas.
"The doctors explained that brain stem Aaron had developed, which had limited functions. Their internal organs worked and could breathe, see and hear. It seemed a miracle.
"The doctors told me that I would not survive, and could only be with us for a matter of minutes to hours."
But a week later he was still struggling.
He was taken to Yorkhill Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow where he had a shunt fitted in the head to drain some of the liquid.
After eight weeks, he was allowed home and while he returns to hospital for regular checkups, which are well preserved.
Emma said: "Some days, give us one step forward and two steps back - but since I became one, we have been taking more steps forward than backward."
And the most emotional moment came just six weeks ago, when Aaron was amazed Emma saying 'Mummy' for the first time.
She said: "I was playing with him on my forehand.
"He was lying on his back on the carpet and bent over him clap my hands and say 'mama' to it again and again, really pull sounds.
Proud Family: Emma Murray with sons Aaron and Jack
"He was laughing, then he said: 'Mom' He had literally copied what I was saying..
"I just stared at him in shock, and then I began to mourn. It was such an emotional moment.
"When Jack, my three-year-old son, said 'mama', for the first time was amazing, but this was even more special for me.
"I could not believe it. My mother was with me as well, sitting in the living room. She was so shocked, I could hardly talk.
"Since then he also says" hello "a couple of times too. It's really remarkable.
"We have always said Aaron mental age of a child, but we can see that it is more aware of that.
"He is surrounded by love and you can see he likes to be involved in everything that is happening.
"His brother Jack adores him - and sing Twinkle Twinkle him on the night he falls asleep.
Proud Mum Emma Aaron Murray and his son at home in Airdrie
"Every time we have with it is precious.
"When he was born first they encouraged me to make a memory box full of her things she could treasure after he was gone.
"But now I do not put anything on it and I do not focus on the sad thing could happen in the future.
"I never thought I'd hear you say nothing at all - I began to mourn when he said it was the most amazing thing I've ever heard in my life 'Mummy.'."
The family is planning a special Christmas celebration this year.
Emma said: "We are planning a family reunion, and Aaron will be as excited as he loves to be with people.
"I love to open presents. I'm getting you a stuffed pig Peppa and loves watching the show on television."
Jill Yaz, the Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SHINE) said: "This is an extremely rare condition and its fantastic that Aaron goes beyond any expectations of doctors.
"Because you have any brainstem that helps breathing and perform the basic functions - that is how he manages to survive without brain.
"It is remarkable that has managed to survive and say 'Mama' for the first time - it shows how little we really understand how the human body works.
"And the body can surprise us and do remarkable things.
Emma Murray said her son can only live for a few minutes, but now is two has said his first word - mother
"Children with this condition usually die before birth so that he has even survived is remarkable. It is a testimony of love for his mother is doing well."
Great Lorraine Murray, 44, said: "Hearing Aaron says first time mom was a moment I will never forget.
"Emma and I looked at each other and none of us could stop the tears from falling. We hugged each other. I'm so proud of Emma.
"She's a wonderful mother to Aaron and hear him say his first word she meant the absolute world."
What is holoprosencephaly?
Holoprosencephaly is a rare condition in which the brain does not form properly. It occurs in approximately two out of every ten thousand births.
The condition can be mild or severe, and in most cases, babies affected by the condition die before birth.
Jill Yaz, the Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SHINE) said: "The brain stem controls basic functions we need to survive.
"It keeps the heart going, breath control and keeps organs like the intestines work.
"It also controls basic things like swallowing. This is how Aaron has survived so far.
"As long as the brain stem has been performing these functions, then he is able to survive.
"But what is remarkable about this case is that the brain stem does not control our thought or consciousness, so that he can do things like laugh and smile and say a basic word like 'Mom' is fascinating.
"There is no known explanation for it."
He added: "I've never seen anything like this in 20 years brain scanner.
"A normal brain scan should show the brain filling the entire cavity of the head to the top.
"The brain will show up as a white area with black pockets of fluid running around the outside of the brain and through the brain, allowing the transmission of vitamins and clean of toxins.
"On Aaron brainstem scanning approaches and stops below the cavity which is filled with fluid."