GSM networks in the next few years will be closed

GSM networks to mobile operators around the world are preparing to close. Singapore the latest addition to its mobile operators M1, SingTel and StarHub, who announced that April 2017 will turn off its GSM network. The Australian telecom operator Telstra, and the AT & T also have similar disclaimers.

Most GSM network for mobile users and removal of any significance related to the closure of the network should not perceive them. However, the embargo only run on GSM mobile phone network will be disabled. Developed and prosperous countries such as mobile phones that only work on GSM network, are used in very low concentrations. Developing and poor countries, this figure is still quite high. Last year when the Australian mobile operator Telstra GSM network outage announced the date when their networks only work on GSM network to mobile phones but only one percent of Pakistan, India , in countries like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, the number is quite high. Far from the telecom operators to shut down their GSM networks, the project has not been announced. But the rest of the world by following these networks GSM networks will have to close.

European telecom operators have occurred in this case quite careful. Norwegian telecom operator Telenor in Pakistan who are licensed telecom operators, the GSM network, has announced five to ten years running. The French telecom operator Orange GSM networks currently closed as far as possible is removed.

GSM networks are closing the technological and financial benefits. GSM networks to shut down the frequency spectrum reserved for GSM III and IV can be used for networks. In this process three or four GSM networks will be able to service more users. More customers and a network outage will benefit from considerable financial companies.
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